Mercredi 9 mars à 16h15, venez nombreux au séminaire qui a pour thème « On the evolution of the Esynov platform and the RF instrumentation at LCIS ». Celui-ci aura lieu dans la salle D011 et sur Zoom.
Esynov and LCIS have realized significant investments in RF instrumentation over the past 10 years. These instruments cover a large spectrum in the RF domain and can be used to generate and measure any RF signals (from narrow band to ultra-wideband). This presentation summarizes the different equipment available on both platforms.
Intervenants :
Bruno Gainetdinoff est responsable de l’activité Compatibilité électromagnétique et Radio fréquence de la plateforme Esynov. Il est également responsable de la plateforme Esynov.
Il assure le bon fonctionnement de la plateforme avec les différentes thématiques et équipes, ainsi que le développement de l’activité CEM et RF (RFTLab).
L’activité CEM et RF porte principalement sur :
· Expertises et essais vers les entreprises qui doivent valider leurs équipements pour le marquage CE.
· La formations continue (intra ou inter) sur la thématique de la CEM.
· La formation initiale (EE450 et EE457)
· Participation aux projets industriels (mesures sur les développements de cartes)
· Recherche : mise à disposition des équipements liés à la RFID (Cage UHF et équipements associés)
Nicolas Barbot received the M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degree from the Univ. de Limoges, France. His Ph.D. work in Xlim Laboratory was focused on error-correcting codes for the optical wireless channel. He also realized a post-doctoral work in joint source-channel decoding at L2S Laboratory, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Since Sep. 2014, he has been an Assoc. Prof. at the Univ. Grenoble Alpes – Grenoble INP, in Valence, France. His scientific background at LCIS covers wireless communications systems based on backscattering principle which include classical RFID and chipless RFID. His research interest include transponders which cannot be described by linear time-invariant systems. This gathers harmonic transponders which are based on the use of a non-linear component (Schottky diode) or linear time-variant transponders which are based on the modification of their response in the time domain. He also places special interests on antenna design and instrumentation based on these phenomenons.
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