Nos membres

Short presentation

Laure Gonnord, is habilitated Professor at Grenoble INP, Esisar since september 2021. Laure Gonnord has many experiences in static analysis applied to compilation in general, and its application to High performance programming and embedded  systems. She is also interested in software engineering around compilers, and has a more recent focus in designing backend compilers for hardware security.

She belongs to the Programming Languages and Software Engineering french community, and is in the board of the GDR GPL, for which she is scientific director of its summer school EJCP

Rest of academic CV :

Research activities

Keywords: safety, security, embedded systems, high performance programs, static analysis, abstract interpretation, compilation

Current Ph.D. supervision

Full publication list

List is available here

Teaching activities

Keywords: architecture, compilation, programming langages, algorithmics, embedded systems, databases

Responsible of the following courses: