Derniers Évènements passés

25/05 Soutenance de HDR Nicolas BARBOT

Nicolas BARBOT a le plaisir de vous inviter à la soutenance de son HDR le jeudi 25 mai à 14h00 en A042.Le sujet de ce travail porte sur les systèmes […]

24/05 Séminaire Pavel NIKITIN

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence

On Wednesday, 24 May at 16:15, in D030 we will have the pleasure to listen the inspiring talk of Pavel Nikitin, Senior Staff Antenna Designer withImpinj, Inc., Seattle, WA, USA.Title: […]

04/05 SpeechPizza Seminar

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence

The SpeechPizza seminars will now be addressed to the whole lab, not only to a specific team. This event will take place every first Thursday of the month from 12:00 […]