Nos membres

Oum-El-Kheir Aktouf

Professeure en informatique/Professor in Computer Science

Equipe CTSYS

Grenoble INP

Short presentation

Oum-El-Kheir AKTOUF received the Master degree and the PhD degree, both in Computer Science, from Grenoble Institute of Technology. After a 2-year post-doc, she has been Associate Professor with Grenoble Institute of Technology, Esisar Engineering School and LCIS laboratory. She also was Visiting Professor on a sabbatical leave at the Computer Engineering Department of San José State University, California, USA. Her research interests include dependability, safety and security of embedded and interconnected applications and systems (sensor-based applications, multi-embedded agent systems…) using runtime tests, diagnosis and monitoring approaches. Her teaching activities include operating systems, real time systems, distributed computing and computing systems’ dependability. She has supervised or co-supervised almost 15 PhD candidates, postdoc researchers and R&D engineers. She has taken part as principal investigator or scientific contributor to 12 funded research projects and contracts, national and international.

Research activities

Keywords: Security and trust in embedded and distributed, autonomous applications and systems. Test and security of mobile applications. System-level on line fault diagnosis (hardware components, middleware, software components).

Current projects

Current Ph.D. supervision

Full publication list

List is available here

Teaching activities

Keywords: Dependability, Operating systems, Real time, Distributed programming, Functional programming

Responsible of the following courses: