Nos membres

Ionela Prodan

Maître de conférence

CO4SYS team

Grenoble INP-UGA Esisar


Short presentation

Ionela Prodan received the B.S. in Automation and Applied Informatics degree from the Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania in 2009 and her Ph.D. in Control Engineering from Sup\’elec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France in 2012. She continued with a post-doctoral fellowship within the Chair on Systems Science and the Energetic Challenge – EDF, \’Ecole Centrale Paris, France. Since 2014 she has been an Associate Professor at the Laboratory of Conception and Integration of Systems (LCIS) of Grenoble INP, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Valence, France. She obtained her HDR (Habilitation to Conduct Research) in 2020.


Research activities 


Her research interests are multi-disciplinary with a core expertise in control and applied mathematics. These encompass constrained optimization-based control (Model Predictive Control via distributed and decentralized approaches), mixed-integer programming, differential flatness, set-theoretic methods, and their application to motion planning for autonomous vehicles and energy management in building-scale DC microgrids.

Dr. I. Prodan served as a vice-chair of the national organizing committee of the 2022 IFAC CAO (Control Applications of Optimization). She is an Associate Editor for the EUCA European Control Conference since 2022, an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology journal since 2023, and a member of the IFAC Technical Committee 6.3. Power and Energy Systems since 2020. Dr. I. Prodan is co-animator of the national French research group CT CPNL (Nonlinear Model Predictive Control) of GDR MACS, since 2021. She is serving as deputy director of LCIS-Grenoble INP since 2021.

Teaching activities


Dr. I. Prodan  is giving the following formations and courses, both at national and international levels.
1. A walk through constrained optimization-based control problems, doctoral formation given in English for the PhDs of the EEATS doctoral school of Grenoble INP, UGA (since 2021).
2. Model Predictive Control: Design and Implementation, formation course for engineers (Eramet Ideas, Trappes, 2021)

Courses at Essiar – Grenoble INP
3. Decentralized control of complex Systems, course given in English for 5th year students and Master MISTRE – Grenoble INP.
4. Motion planning and control for robotic systems, course given in English for 4th year students.
5. Analysis and control of linear discrete-time systems, course given in French for 3rd year students and Apprentice students of Esisar – Grenoble INP.

Courses at Ho Chi Minh Institute of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam
6. Digital control design, course given in French for 3rd year students of HCMUT, PFIEV (Programme de Formation d’Ingénieurs d’Excellence au Vietnam) Program (since 2023).
7. Modern control systems, course given in English for 4th year students of HCMUT, Office for International Study Programs (OISP), Mechatronics Department (2020-2022).