03/05 Séminaire Assoc. Prof. Ha Quang Thinh Ngo

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence, France

On Wednesday, 3 May at 16:15, in B044 we will have the pleasure to listen the talk of Assoc. Prof. Ha Quang Thinh Ngo from the Department of Mechatronics, Ho […]

04/05 SpeechPizza Seminar

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence, France

The SpeechPizza seminars will now be addressed to the whole lab, not only to a specific team. This event will take place every first Thursday of the month from 12:00 […]

24/05 Séminaire Pavel NIKITIN

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence, France

On Wednesday, 24 May at 16:15, in D030 we will have the pleasure to listen the inspiring talk of Pavel Nikitin, Senior Staff Antenna Designer withImpinj, Inc., Seattle, WA, USA.Title: […]

25/05 Soutenance de HDR Nicolas BARBOT

Nicolas BARBOT a le plaisir de vous inviter à la soutenance de son HDR le jeudi 25 mai à 14h00 en A042.Le sujet de ce travail porte sur les systèmes […]

01/06 SpeechPizza Seminar

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence, France

The SpeechPizza seminars will now be addressed to the whole lab, not only to a specific team. This event will take place every first Thursday of the month from 12:00 […]

[SAVE-THE-DATE] Journée des doctorants 2023

La Journée des Doctorants du LCIS 2023 (JDD 2023) aura lieu le mardi 20 juin.Plus d'informations à suivre au fur et à mesure de l'organisation de la journée.

03-07/07 École Jeunes Chercheuses et Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence, France

Cet été, le LCIS accueille l'École Jeunes Chercheuses et Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation du 3 au 7 juillet 2023 Les inscriptions seront gérées par la plateforme SciencesConf (TBD). Programme L’école […]

06/07 SpeechPizza Seminar

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence, France

The SpeechPizza seminars will now be addressed to the whole lab, not only to a specific team. This event will take place every first Thursday of the month from 12:00 […]

14/09 SpeechPizza Seminar

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence, France

SpeechPizza Seminars are addressed to the whole lab, not only to a specific team. This event will take place every first Thursday of the month from 12:00 to 13:00 in […]

11/10 – LCIS Seminar

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence, France

On Wednesday, 11 October at 16:30, in D011 we will have the pleasure to listen the talk of Thanos, a former PhD of LCIS, now Assistant Professor at the Univ. […]

12/10 SpeechPizza Seminar

Laboratoire LCIS 50 Rue Barthélémy de Laffemas, Valence, France

SpeechPizza Seminars are addressed to the whole lab, not only to a specific team. This event will take place every first Thursday of the month from 12:00 to 13:00 in […]