Nos membres

Abdelsalam Mohamed

PhD Student

Equipe CTSYS

Université Grenoble Alpes

Short presentation

I am a dedicated and passionate PhD student with a background in the field of cybersecurity challenges in the context of automotive systems. Currently, in the third year of my doctoral studies, I am pursuing a joint PhD program between Bosch Germany and Grenoble University, where I am actively researching the security implications of integrating autonomous vehicles and smart infrastructure systems on roads. My work focuses on addressing the security challenges in modern transportation, especially between heterogeneous systems that are developed independently. In addition to my academic pursuits, I actively collaborate with industry and research institutes experts and peers, to find solutions for the current automotive security challenges.

Research activities

Keywords: Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment – TARA – Autonomous Vehicles – IoV – Smart Infrastructure – Security

Supervisors : Oum-El-Kheir Aktouf – Annabelle Mercier