Nos membres

Daniel Thirion 

PhD Student


UGA-Grenoble INP LCIS // STMicroelectronics

Short presentation

Daniel THIRION began as an apprentice student as ESISAR and STMicroelectronics, integrating the team of Jean-Marc DAVEAU, working on various projects surrounding Safety (SoC design and integration, fault injection platform, FPGA implementations). At the end of his studies, he integrated teams at Frontgrade Gaisler, as a designer on fault injection methods. After graduating in 2023, he started a PhD, working along his previous team at STMicroelectronics and joined LCIS (Vincent BEROULLE, David HELY, Valentin EGLOFF) on a collaboration between the two worlds of Safety and Security for embedded devices.

Research activities : 

Keywords: Safety, Security, Embedded, Fault Injection, FPGA, Formal Verification

Applications: Smartcard, Automotive, Aerospace SoCs, MCUs, IoT

PhD supervisors: Vincent BEROULLE, David HELY, Valentin EGLOFF

Current PhD Projects:

  • FPGA Fault Injection Platform: “FPGA-based SEU injector for safety and reliability testing”
  • Combined Safety & Security analysis at RTL level for Fault Injection: “Framework and tooling for RTL-level analysis of Safety and Security in the context of fault injection”
  • Safe & Secure AES design