Nos membres

Smail Tedjini

Professeur Emérite

Equipe ORSYS

Institution Grenoble-INP

Portrait Smail Tedjini

Short presentation

Smail TEDJINI, Life Fellow IEEE, URSI Fellow. Doctor d’Etat in Physics 1985 Grenoble University.  Senior Researcher of CNRS 1986-1993. University Full Professor since 1993, now with Grenoble Institute of Technology.  His main topics for both research and teaching, concern Applied Electromagnetism, RF, Optoelectronics, RFID and Wireless Systems. 

He is the founder of the LCIS Lab. (Laboratory for Design and Integration of Systems) and served as Director of LCIS.

He supervised 50 PhD, co-authored 350 publications, 3 books, 7 patents, served as reviewer/opponent for tens of Ph.D worldwide. 

TPC chair/co-chair for IEEE in particular MTT, RFD and RFID-TA, and URSI conferences, in particular GASS et ATRASC.  TPC chair IEEE-RFID 2010, General Chair IEEE RFID-TA 2012., Vice-President IEEE Section France (2008-2014). Vice-Chair, Chair of URSI Commission D 2008-2014. President URSI France (2014-2017). Vice-chair IEEE MTT-TC 24 (2017-2019). Chair IEEE MTT-TC-26 (2020-2021). Since 2022 he is Emeritus Professor at University Grenoble Alpes.

Research activities

Keywords: RFID, Antenna, Wireless communication, Wireless sensing, Wireless Power Transfer, Wearable Wireless Solutions

Current projects

  • Giante/Centurion, HRFID

Full publication list

Teaching activities

Keywords: RF, Wireless systems, antenna, RFID, Optoelectronic.