Nos membres
Wendell Sousa
ED EEATS Doctorant
Equipe ORSYS
Grenoble INP – UGA

Short presentation
Wendell Sousa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering in 2024 and has been involved in several research projects, most of them focused on microelectronics, particularly in the design and layout of analog integrated circuits as the operational amplifiers and oscillators. Currently, he is a PhD student at Université Grenoble Alpes with a focus on designing CMOS-compatible RF switches with integrated optical actuation, using a multiphysics approach to improve performance.
Research activities
Keywords : Performance optimization, résonateurs, CMOS, VCO, RF, bruit de phase, amplification distribuée.
My PhD focuses on designing CMOS-compatible RF switches with integrated optical actuation. Building on previous work with millimeter-wave switches, I aim to develop a new kind of on-chip RF switches, utilizing a multiphysics approach to enhance performance.
Professional and Academic Background
- Analog IC Design Trainee – 2024
- Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering – 2024
- Stage de Layout de Circuits Intégrés Analogiques – 2023-2024
- L’amplification distribuée dans la gamme des micro-ondes – 2023-2024
- Conception d’un VCO 60 GHz avec topologie Colpitts Modifiée – 2022-2023
- Conception d’un résonateur à base de lignes couplées appliquée à la conception de VCO 80 GHz – 2021-2022
- Recherche pour la détection de décharges partielles dans les équipements à haute tension – 2020-2021