Wendell SOUSA, nouveau doctorant ORSYS
Bienvenue à Wendell Sousa, le nouveau doctorant de l’équipe ORSYS à partir du 12 novembre 2024.
Il est encadré par Etienne Perret.
Son bureau est au bâtiment AB, 2e étage, A220.

My name is Wendell Sousa, I’m brazilian and I am passionate about microelectronics, particularly the design of analog integrated circuits. I have some experience in research, and I am currently pursuing a PhD.
– What is your background (education, experience, etc.)?
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Eletrical Engeneering and have been involved in four research projects during my undergraduate studies, three of which were related to microelectronics. I am now pursuing a PhD at Université Grenoble Alpes, focusing on analog integrated circuit design. My previous experience includes the design of operational amplifiers and high-frequency oscillators.
– Can you briefly explain your thesis topic?
My PhD focuses on designing CMOS-compatible RF switches with integrated optical actuation. Building on previous work with millimeter-wave switches, I aim to develop a new kind of on-chip RF switches, utilizing a multiphysics approach to enhance performance.
– What skills can you share?
I have expertise in analog circuit design, including simulation techniques like Monte Carlo and Harmonic Balance simulations. I am also proficient in transistor-level circuit analysis, design optimization, and CAD tools for integrated circuit development.
– Where can we find you? How can we contact you?
You can reach me via email at (not yet created) or LinkedIn at
Would you like to share anything else (an experience, a passion, something personal, etc.)?