Nos membres

Valentin Egloff

Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche (ATER)

CTSYS team

Grenoble INP-UGA Esisar


Short presentation

I received a master degree from Université Paris-Saclay in 2018 and i made my Ph.D at CEA Grenoble that i defended on 2022. You can find my manuscript here and my defense slides here. I am currently a teaching assistant at Esisar engineer school and i am looking for permanent positions in teaching and research.

Research activities : Security and Safety of Integrated Systems

Keywords: in-memory computing, memory technologies, computing architecture, processor design, processor security, embedded systems, low power computing


Teaching activities

Keywords: Computer architecture, digital electronics, hardware design, hardware software codesign, C, embedded processor programming (Arduino, STM32, RISC-V)