CTSYS team
Safety and Security of Embedded and Distributed Systems
CTSYS: Safety and Security of Embedded and Distributed Systems
In a world where distributed and pervasive systems are omnipresent (IoT, connected objects, smart homes, etc.), especially in critical applications (autonomous vehicles, aeronautics, medical applications, etc.) or security applications (smart cards, access control, etc.), operational safety and security are two paramount issues. To ensure the safety and security of these systems, their design must be approached comprehensively, as a flaw or vulnerability in one element can compromise the entire system.
The CTSYS team consists of researchers from various disciplines (electronics, computer science, telecommunications) who study the different elements of embedded systems: from hardware to application. Particular attention is given to the interaction between hardware and software. The main research areas of the team include: hardware security of integrated systems, software verification and testing, operational safety of embedded systems, safety and security in connected system networks, and safety and security of distributed and pervasive applications.
The main application domains of the team’s research are: the Internet of Things (including RFID systems), sensor networks, Smart-* environments (-Home, -Building, -Car, etc.), and the transport industry.
Projects with an “industrial focus”: European PENTA SereneIoT project, FUI Bluesky, MINALOGIC labeled ANR LIESSE project
Projects with an “academic focus”: Cybersecurity project of IRT Nanoelec (Investments for the Future Program), ANR LIESSE project, ANR C3µ, ARC6 Salware project (led by the Hubert Curien laboratory), AGIR project (Alpes Grenoble Innovation Research) increase, regional Safe-Air project
Industrial Partners: Innovista Sensor, GRDF, and Ingenico (within the framework of the Trust industrial excellence chair), Motwin, Vertical M2M, STMicroelectronics, Thales Valence, AEDvices, Maxim IC, Orange Labs, Nocosium.
Research Axes
Keywords: Vulnerability Analysis, Fault Injection, Side-Channel Attacks, Design of Protections or Detectors
Objectifs :
One of the objectives of this theme is the development of low-cost and/or low-energy hardware security solutions (e.g., RFID tags) for non-critical systems, integrating low-cost connected objects. The solutions developed target non-expert users and are reasonably secure.
List of Contributors: V. Beroulle, V. Egloff, N. Fourty, D. Hély, Y. Kieffer
Project Examples:
- Improvement of security against laser attacks
- Enhancement of security for analog and mixed circuits
- Emulation and security improvement of RFID tags
Keywords: Vulnerability Analysis, Security in the Compilation Chain: Languages Adapted to Architectures, Specialized Security Compilation Backend, Security-Oriented Co-Design, Energy Constraint and Eco-Design
One of the objectives of this theme is to secure hardware from software and reciprocally secure software from hardware.
List of Contributors: Ch. Deleuze, L. Gonnord
Project Examples:
- PEPR Arsene
Keywords: Security Analysis Approaches and Models, Security-by-Design Systems Design and Integration, Decentralized Security, Energy Optimization
One of the objectives of this theme is to consider embedded systems in their complexity and analyze their security.
Issues Studied:
- Joint analysis of safety and security, as well as compositional security analysis for autonomous vehicle applications;
- Cryptographic key management in a fully decentralized environment;
- Security-by-design for mobile applications;
- Development of a lightweight security protocol based on PUF for connected objects.
List of Contributors: O. Aktouf, S. Chollet, Ch. Deleuze, D. Hély, S. Jean, I. Parissis
CTSYS team members
The teams regularly seek and welcome new researchers and PhD students to contribute to their research.
The entire team produces and publishes numerous papers on their topics every year.
Recent Topics Addressed by CTSYS:
- Helper Data Masking for Physically Unclonable Function-based Key Generation Algorithms
- A Comprehensive Survey of Attacks without Physical Access Targeting Hardware Vulnerabilities in IoT/IIoT Devices, and Their Detection Mechanisms
- Strong PUF Enrollment with Machine Learning: A Methodical Approach
- Survey: Vulnerability Analysis of Low-Cost ECC-Based RFID Protocols against Wireless and Side-Channel Attacks
Project List
Academic Collaborations
- GIPSA Lab: Co-supervision of thesis.
- Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (LIG): Co-supervision of theses, BQR ARTEco project.
- ONERA Toulouse, LIG, LRI (Orsay), CEA-LIST (Saclay): ANR SIESTA project.
- INRIA: FUI Minalogic Bluesky project.
- LIRMM, ENSMSE, TIMA, ONERA Toulouse: Co-supervision of thesis, ANR LIESSE project.
- CEA-LETI: Co-supervision of thesis.
- Participation in the Maintenance Experte Fiabiliste (MEF) consortium (8 laboratories from Rhône Alpes – Auvergne; ALTéAD company): machine traceability demonstrator.
- Participation in the ISLE Cluster (Embedded Systems and Software Informatics) of the Rhône-Alpes region – EmSOC Research project then SEMBA project.
- Participation in the SEE/CIAME 18.04 working group “Intelligent Components for Automation and Measurement”.
- Participation in the EURNEX network of excellence (INRETS in France, FAV in Germany, IST in Portugal, etc.), aiming to gather all railway research at the European level to identify centers of excellence by sector.
- Lebanese University of Tripoli: co-supervision of thesis, CEDRE project (2012-2012).
- University of Danang (Vietnam): co-supervision of theses.
Contractual Industrial Partnerships
- Airbus: CIFRE thesis.
- MBDA (2002-2006): Development of a plug-in module in an industrial development environment (Simulink, SCADE).
- ST Microelectronics: CIFRE theses, partner in the ANR LIESSE project.
- CERTESS: support for incubation; collaboration within the framework of Y. Serrestou’s thesis.
- SPRINTE: collaboration since 2003 (partner in BGLE- ADN4SE and Artemis Arrowhead projects, incubation of DPM company (2008-2009)).
- Bull, Thales, LIG, EDF R&D: partners in the ITEA 2 OSAMI-Commons project.
- Airbus, SAGEM, TURBOMECA, ASTRIUM ST, Esterel Technologies: ANR SIESTA project.
- Nocosium, Watteco: CIFRE theses.
- Schneider Electric: research contract within the framework of the SafeRFID research project.
They Collaborated with CTSYS
Academic and Public Collaborations

Contractual Industrial Partnerships