Frédéric Tran Minh

Frédéric Tran Ming is a math teacher at Esisar – Grenoble INP – UGA.

In 2001, he received an Engineering Degree from Ensimag – INPG (former Grenoble INP) and a Master Degree in applied Mathematics from UJF ; after 8 years of Design and Development in computer assisted surgery, he passed the math french Agregation to start teaching maths. Recently, his interests focused on the use of proof assistants for teaching undergraduate mathematics, and he started a phD on this subject, with Laure Gonnord and Julien Narboux.

Huynh Thao Trang NGUYEN

Huynh Thao Trang NGUYEN obtained the engineer’s degree in Mechatronics from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Viet Nam in 2024. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D research on bio-inspired navigation models for autonomous robots and drones, focusing on distributed navigation and real-time trajectory optimization in unknown environments.

Tan Minh Hung TRUONG

Tan Minh Hung TRUONG comes from Vietnam. He graduated from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), majoring in Mechatronics in 2024. He is currently a PhD student at Grenoble INP – Esisar. His project involves an autonomous robotic system developed based on a Bio-inspired navigation model combined with the special properties of B-spline curves, aimed at helping the robot system navigate in crowded and complex environments. Using knowledge of embedded systems programming, image processing, and control, he, along with the professors of the CO4SYS team at the LCIS laboratory, will collaborate to achieve the best results.

Louis Duvivier

louis duvivier

Louis Duvivier est maître de conférence à l’université Grenoble Alpes depuis octobre 2024. Après des études en informatique théorique à l’ENS Lyon, il a réalisé son doctorat sur la sélection statistique de modèles de graphes à l’INSA Lyon. Il a ensuite été attaché temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche (ATER) à l’institut de science financière et d’assurance (2021 – 2022), et à l’école centrale de lyon (2023 – 2024) et postdoctorant à l’ENS Lyon (2022 – 2023).

Clara Bourgeais

Clara Bourgeais est titulaire d’une licence en informatique de l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO) acquise en 2022 et d’un master en informatique spécialisé dans les Logiciels pour Systèmes Embarqués (LSE) de l’UBO acquis en 2024. Elle est actuellement doctorante à Grenoble INP (ESISAR) dans le cadre du projet PEPR ARSENE, pour la thèse suivante : « secure compiler back-end/hardware codesign »,  explorant notamment l’interaction entre les optimisations du compilateur et les mécanismes de sécurité matérielle au sein de l’architecture RISCV. Ses intérêts incluent les systèmes embarqués, les systèmes temps-réel et l’amélioration des mécanismes de sécurité dans la conception de systèmes sur puce (SoC).

Louis Morge-Rollet

Mes thématiques de recherche se concentrent autour de l’analyse de signaux de radiocommunications sous contraintes embarquées. Ainsi, je développe des méthodes basées sur le traitement du signal et/ou l’intelligence artificielle qui peuvent permettre de détecter la présence de signaux, d’identifier le standard de communication utilisé, voire d’authentifier un émetteur en particulier. De plus, je m’intéresse à l’implémentation de ces méthodes dans un contexte embarqué, que ce soit sur des plateformes d’exécution comme un CPU, un GPU ou même un FPGA.

Nicolas Barbot

Nicolas Barbot received the M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degree from the University de Limoges, France in 2010 and 2013 respectively. His Ph.D. work in Xlim Laboratory was focused on error-correcting codes for the optical wireless channel. He also realized a post-doctoral work in joint source-channel decoding at L2S Laboratory, in Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

Daniel Thirion

Daniel THIRION began as an apprentice student as ESISAR and STMicroelectronics, integrating the team of Jean-Marc DAVEAU, working on various projects surrounding Safety (SoC design and integration, fault injection platform, FPGA implementations). At the end of his studies, he integrated teams at Frontgrade Gaisler, as a designer on fault injection methods. After graduating in 2023, he started a PhD, working along his previous team at STMicroelectronics and joined LCIS (Vincent BEROULLE, David HELY, Valentin EGLOFF) on a collaboration between the two worlds of Safety and Security for embedded devices.

Laurent Lefèvre

Laurent Lefèvre got his B.Sc. from Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles (1991) and his M.Sc. in applied mathematics from Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain (1994), both in
Belgium.Then he moved to Lille (North of France) and got his Ph.D. in control from Ecole Centrale de Lille (1999). Since 2011 he got a full professor position at Grenoble Institute of Technology, Univ. Grenoble Alpes. His current domains of interest are numerical methods for simulation and control, distributed parameters systems, modelling and analysis of complex dynamical systems. He is involved in various project related to applications in complex water systems, process engineering, microgrids and plasma physics (tokamaks).

Julien Soule

Julien Soule started a PhD continuing an international research on “Autonomous Intelligent Cyberdefense Agents” (AICA) by fostering a multi-agent approach of Cyberdefense. He is currently the treasurer of the AICA International Work Group (AICA IWG) that gathers experts interested in taking up new Cyberdefense challenges. Alongside academic research, he also works within “Thales” group to provide contributions in the form of industrial applications of his PhD works. Prior to this position, he worked as an engineer at “Atos” group. He is a graduate of the “INSA Group” French engineering school, where he majored in computer science with cybersecurity specialization.